We at EUPHORIA are creating a life changing atmosphere for homeopathic doctors and students where we are giving them the best coaching and training to carve a niche for themselves in the homeopathic world .

The courses include the following:

Mind rubrics.

Learning of classical homeopathy.

Similimum through various legendary approaches.

Management of advanced pathological diseases.

Study of combined approach of materia medica , organon and repertory.

Rare medicine study and its clinical utility.

Homeopathic protocols and its utility.

Medicines of indisposed society a complete journey of human mind through homeopathy.

Management of acute and emergency diseases.

Management of chronic diseases.

Clinical utility of different kinds of materia medica and repertories.

clinical utility of organon.

Understanding and clinical utility of nosodotherapy.

Understanding and clinical utility of sarcodotherapy.

Understanding and clinical utility of MIASM AND MANY MORE THING'S...